Abdallah Ghdiri

I’m a software engineer that is passionate about all things technology.

General Info


Work Experience

  • 2019-Present


    Software Engineer

    To help the French banking mobility leader move to a modern micro-services based architecture, I am mainly working on dockerized Spring BOOT services following DevOps practices (using Gitlab pipelines for Build/Deployment and Sonarqube to guarantee a high level of code quality).

    I took on the role of overhauling the way identity and access management is handled throughout our different micro-services by relying on the OUATH2 protocol. I worked extensively on building a custom KEYCLOAK (an open source IAM solution) service that is heavily extended with additional features (a custom user provider, an optional SMS OTP authentication provider, REST API extensions …).

    In an effort to continue to add more value to ISILIS, I requested taking on the responsibility of ensuring the continuous quality of our products so I introduced a formal code review process (using the Upsource tool) that helped the team not only catch problems earlier and reduce maintenance costs but also indirectly improve knowledge sharing between team member thus noticeably raising efficiency.

  • 2016-2018


    Software Engineer

    R&D represents a part of my responsibilities by maintaining and adding features to our main product. I have also followed along all phases for projects for our financial sector clients. My time is split between JAVA and .NET, furthermore, I am extensively using DEVEXPRESS controls (both WinForms and WPF).

  • 2016



    Developed a solution that allows any non-technical user to deploy the company’s product to a cloud platform (Microsoft Azure) with no downtime in production.


  • 2016

    Software Engineering Degree


  • 2013

    Preparatory classes: Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science